Report Details:
Price: |
Report Code |
: |
BREP035 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 1500; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 1500 + Shipping & Handling Charges extra
ThemesBusiness Reports |
Report Length |
: |
34 Pages |
Period |
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2004 - 2006 |
Organization |
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MphasiS, Wipro
Spectramind, HSBC Electronic Data Processing India Pvt.
Ltd. , HCL Infosystems Ltd , Hifn, IBM, Infinity eSearch,
International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP),
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM),
Call Centre Association of India (CCAI). |
Pub Date |
: |
2007 |
Teaching Note |
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Not Available |
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India |
Industry |
: |
Energy |
Executive Summary
Within a span of over a
decade, India has become one of the most favored destinations across the
world for business process outsourcing (BPO) operations. According to
the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM),
the ITES-BPO exports from India in 2003-04 was US$ 3.1 billion was
estimated to be US$ 6.3 billion by 2005-06.1
Despite the strong growth in this sector, some of the challenges faced
by the Indian BPO sector are shortage of quality manpower, wage
inflation, infrastructure problems, etc. However, over the past few
years, information and data security has become one the main challenges
faced by the Indian BPO industry.
Instances of data thefts and frauds
like the fraud at Msource, the BPO unit of MphasiS, and the KKaran
Bahree case have attracted worldwide attention and become a major cause
for concern among the industry players and associations in India.
Some of the information security and data privacy challenges that Indian
BPOs face include lack of stringent data protection laws, use of
portable devices such as laptops by employees to store confidential
business information, rising data security costs due to increased
employee background checks, training employees in maintaining data
security, ensuring compliance with security policies implemented in the
company, and systemic plugging of any loopholes through employee
activity monitoring procedures.
To ensure that the confidentiality of a client's information is
maintained, BPOs need to implement data security measures, which can be
classified into measures taken at the recruitment level and measures
taken at the operational level. The Indian government is evaluating the
possibility of reviewing the Information Technology Act of 2000 to bring
various computer crimes relating to information privacy under its
purview. NASSCOM announced plans to establish a self-regulating
organization (SRO) to deal with information security issues related with
outsourcing to India and introduced the National Skills Registry (NSR).
NASSCOM also proposed that the Indian government should establish a
special court to speed up the trial process of cases related to
information/data security and other cybercrimes booked under the
Information Technology Act 2000.
Business Process Outsourcing, Information and data security,
Theft and online fraud, Security Hardware, NASSCOM, Data Protection Measures,
Information security system, Cyber Regulations, Sarbanes Oxley Act, Integrated
security strategy, Information Technology Act of 2000, ISO IEC 17799 standard
(BS7799), Network Security, KKaran Bahree Fraud, India ITES Outsourcing ,
A Report on Information Security and Data Privacy in the Indian BPO Industry
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